Interface Indication and Control Laboratory Software

10X Engineering, LLC

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The Interface Indication and Control Laboratory Software supports labs that cover the study of programming, electronics, and similar disciplines.

The Interface Indication and Control Laboratory Software is a software add-on for LabVIEW that supports the Interface Indication and Control Educational Board. This add-on supports over 30 experiments and tasks to help students learn the fundamentals of common electronic components, modules, and sensors in interfacing applications. With the add-on, you can access and view instructions within LabVIEW front panels during a lab. The Interface Indication and Control Laboratory Software includes labs such as LED Matrix, RGB LED, 7 Segment Display, Buzzer, Temperature and Humidity Sensor, and more. The Interface Indication and Control Educational Board hardware is available separately.

Numéro(s) de référence : 787171-35

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