Vehicle Communication Toolkit

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The Vehicle Communication Toolkit works with NI-XNET-supported devices to handle Restbus simulation for automotive networks.

The Vehicle Communication Toolkit is a software add-on that provides a LabVIEW API that is compatible with Windows and NI Linux Real-Time operating systems, and a C/C++ API that is compatible with Windows. Additionally, this add-on includes a custom device for VeriStand. You can use the add-on with communication database files such as AUTOSAR XML to send and receive controller area network (CAN), local interconnect network (LIN), Flexray, or automotive Ethernet signals to and from NI-XNET-supported PXI, PCI, CompactDAQ, and CompactRIO devices. With the Vehicle Communication Toolkit, you can monitor, send, or receive signals to test a device under test (DUT). The Vehicle Communication Toolkit incorporates intellectual properties and products such as PROVEtech:RBS from AKKA technologies. The registered trademark Linux� is used pursuant to a sublicense from LMI, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a worldwide basis.

Principales fonctionnalités :

  • Solution clé en main pour des tests de puissance interactifs et automatisés
  • Face-avant intuitive pour les opérations interactives et la mise au point – aucune programmation requise
  • Automatisation et génération de rapports faciles

Numéro(s) de référence : 788363-35 | 788362-35

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