Analog Waveform Editor

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The Analog Waveform Editor helps you create analog waveforms.

The Analog Waveform Editor is a software tool that helps you create, import, view, or edit existing waveforms by opening and resampling data files saved in binary, ASCII, or LabVIEW Measurement (.lvm) file formats. You can combine waveforms with addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division and create new waveforms by selecting from a library of more than 20 built-in waveform primitives. You can also create new waveforms by entering a mathematical expression. Additionally, the Analog Waveform Editor seamlessly integrates with NI waveform generators, multifunction I/O, and analog output hardware.

Numéro(s) de référence : 788513-35 | 788513-35WM

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