; -------------------------- How to use this file --------------------------------- ; ; To run this installer in quiet mode: ; 1. Edit the information below to match your company information and install location. ; 2. Run : setup.exe /q /AcceptLicenses yes. Passing the value "yes" ; to the /AcceptLicenses parameter indicates that you agree with the license agreements. ; Alternatively, instead of /q, /qb can be used to run the installer in basic UI mode. ; 3. The installer will automatically restart your system after the installation is done. ; To prevent the restart use the command line : setup.exe /r:n /q /AcceptLicenses yes ; ; Please contact National Instruments support at www.ni.com/support for further assistance. ; -------------------------- Set user information --------------------------------- ; If the SerialNo key exists but its value is empty, and the installer support an evaluation mode, then an evaluation mode will be selected by default. [UserInfo] Name= Company= ; -------------------------- Set feature states --------------------------------- ; The valid feature states are: Local, Absent, NoChange, Default ; Local - Install it (on the local hard drive). If already installed leave it installed. ; Absent - Do not install it. If already installed uninstall it. ; NoChange - Do not install it. If already installed, leave it installed. ; Default is equivalent to not listing the feature in this file. The feature follows its default behavior. [Features] NILV.LV2012.001= MAXROOT.MAX00= MS_DN_MAX2003.MSTBSMAX071= MS_DN_MAX2005.MSTBSMAX080= MS_DN_MAX2008.MSTBSMAX090= DCD= Extras= LVFFRTE.LV.FFRTE2012= ExcelAddin.USI.EXCEL.CORE340= ; -------------------------- Set install directories --------------------------------- ; *** To use the default paths, remove the following section*** [Directories] = = NILV.LV2012.001= ;= ; -------------------------- Set general installation settings --------------------------------- [Settings] ;WelcomeAutoAdvance=1 ; -------------------------- Set the dialogs that should be hidden from the user --------------------------------- [DisableDialogs] UserInfo ;FeatureInfo1 ;SingleDirectory ;InstallationType ;FeatureTree ;License ;License2 ;NICertificate ;ConfirmStart ;End ; -------------------------- Set the serial numbers --------------------------------- [SerialNumberDialog] SerialNumber1= SerialNumber2= [SerialNumber1] SerialNo=P12A00200 [SerialNumber2] SerialNo= [PhoneHome] DefaultState=1 Visible=1