NI Vision Acquisition Software 19.0 and 19.5 Bug Fixes


The following items are the CAR IDs of issues fixed between the release of NI Vision Acquisition Software 18.5 and 19.5. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI Vision Acquisition Software.

Vision Acquisition Software 19.0

IDFixed Issue
731675Opening a camera session can sometimes hang if the camera's attribute tree contains enum items that have the same value.
729928Crash can happen when associating NI High Performance GigE driver to PCIe-8237R on Windows.
729807MAX hangs for any camera (U3V, GIGE, Camera Link) when you click on the Camera Attributes tab on Windows Server 2012 R2
729043The PCIe-1477 Getting Started example does not work with the  Timing Constrained design pattern for 8-bit images.
729043The PCIe-1477 Getting Started example does not work with the  Timing Constrained design pattern for 8-bit images.
729043The PCIe-1477 Getting Started example does not work with the  Timing Constrained design pattern for 8-bit images.
726025Opening a GigE camera using the C API can return error -1074360311: Camera not found.
725422If an error occurs while generating a camera's attribute tree, subsequent attempts to open a session result in error -1074360310, "Camera is already in use," even if the issue is corrected.
723212Image Extended Chunk Data is not recognized by NI-IMAQdx driver.
722145NI-IMAQdx does not properly handle paddingX data correctly.
721996For GigE acquisitions on Windows, LostBufferCount does not get updated properly.
719679Vision Acquisition Express VI support is not installed correctly for LabVIEW 2015, 2016 and 2017.
717200Opening a camera document in LabVIEW NXG automatically selects the first device in the list of available interfaces.
716861In some cases, the NI-IMAQdx driver sends the same command twice to GigE cameras.
714959Vision Acquisition Software vi.lib VIs do not have "separate compiled code from source file" enabled.
714312Automation Technology C5-1280 (GigE camera) hangs MAX when trying to open the camera.
706811Ethernet packet statistics attributes do not get reset on acquisition unconfigure or restart.
656604VNG Bayer algorithm has color noise.
576849NI-IMAQdx acquisition sometimes times out when controller's time base changes due to 1588 Grand Master time change.
425844IMAQdx Snap VI (and maybe others) don't respect error chaining.
717864FPGA Acquisition does not recover correcltly after pixel clock signal is momentarily lost.


Vision Acquisition Software 19.5

IDFixed Issue
146715/735219Opening multiple Camera Link sessions in parallel can sometimes cause a crash.
200473When running an executable that uses IMAQ Grab Acquire or IMAQ Copy Acquired Buffer VIs , LabVIEW throws error -1074396155 "NI Vision did not initialize properly."
200875Running 64-bit IMAQ C API examples returns error "The thread has exited with code 0".
197756/742484In some cases, for Camera Link acquisitions IMAQ Extract Buffer will return a FIFO overflow error but not the IMAQdx Extract Buffer.
113679/731394IMAQdx Calculate Missed Frames VI can sometime report incorrect number of images missed
197777/692125In some circumstances, Camera Link boards will not enumerate correctly. Rebooting the computer usually solves the issue.
146514/736855When using the PCIe-1477, Open FPGA Reference VI might return error "Error -61018 occurred at LabVIEW FPGA: An error occurred downloading the VI to the FPGA device"
741992LL Ring (Dual Port).vi Example with 1430 returns error "The requested image acquisition device is already in use" at IMAQ Init


Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).