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The following items are Bug Fixes in LabVIEW 2012 SP1 NI SoftMotion Module.
ID | Fixed Issue | Issue Details |
329767 | The Reported Velocity is incorrect for certain axis types. | If you are using an NI 951x axis, an AKD EtherCAT axis, or an unbound axis, the reported velocity does not correctly use the Steps Per Unit setting in the Axis Configuration menu. |
330144 | The Solve Profile method can fail on moves that have an acceleration greater than the deceleration. | The Solve Profile method may fail on a move with a much faster acceleration than deceleration. On a real-time target, NI SoftMotion returns error -77108 (NIMCDM_parametersDefineImpossibleMove). On Windows, LabVIEW may crash. |
335246 | A Velocity-Time contour move must have a velocity change between move segments. | When doing a Velocity-Time contour move with the Solve Profile method, you will get error -77108 (NIMCDM_parametersDefineImpossibleMove) if you have two consecutive move segments with the same velocity. |
349494 | After a system reboot or system re-initialization, the position error limit is not properly scaled using user units. | After rebooting, the position error limit uses the default scaling, and does not take into account any user-specified unit scaling. |
356868 | User-defined variable axes cannot easily switch between single and periodic position compare. | User-defined variable (UDV) axes should be able to use the Periodic Position Compare FPGA VI to perform both periodic and single compare operations by using a period of 0 to enable a single compare. However, a period of 0 is not currently supported by the NI SoftMotion Module. |
357667 | Relative to capture moves do not work on user-defined variable (UDV) axes. | When performing a relative to capture move with a UDV axis, the move always occurs as if the capture was at position 0. |
369535 | The Position Compare FPGA VI does not work properly when using the Digital Output polymorphic instance. | When you enable position compare, the compare output resets. |
370414 | Inverting the Drive Command Output on the NI 9514 or NI 9516 can cause the Drive Command signal to continuously output +10V or -10V | When you have the "Invert" button checked on the "Drive Command" page of the Axis Configuration dialog and the Drive Command output of the NI 9514 or NI 9516 goes to either +10V or -10V, it is possible that the Drive Command will stay stuck at one of these values. This will cause your motor to spin out of control. |
371917 | The Current Limit Algorithm FPGA VI only clamps positive currents and can clamp the current at the wrong value | |
376990 | The Spline Engine and Step Generator FPGA VIs in the Motion » NI SoftMotion » Advanced palette don't work when dropped from the palette. | You can drop these VIs on your block diagram and compile a bitfile, but they do not give you the correct outputs. |
378476 | NI SoftMotion for SolidWorks does not work if only LabVIEW and the NI SoftMotion Module 2012 are installed. | When only LabVIEW and the NI SoftMotion Module 2012 are installed, you will see errors about missing deployment plugins when trying to deploy a SolidWorks project item. |
380860 | Using multiple NI 951x modules in Scan Interface mode can sometimes cause fault 8130: NI 951x Heartbeat Communication Fault. | This fault most often occurs when deploying new settings to the module, but can also occur when switching from Configuration mode to Active mode. |