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Phase Matrix RF Signal Generator Device

Phase Matrix QuickSyn Synthesizer

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0.5 to 10 GHz, 100 μs, +15 dBm Phase Matrix QuickSyn Synthesizer—The Phase Matrix QuickSyn Synthesizer is a microwave synthesizer that features phase-refining technology, supporting fast-switching speed and low phase-noise characteristics. You can use this synthesizer to perform AM, FM, phase, and pulse modulation; microsecond frequency switching at 100 μs; and power calibration and control. The synthesizer also features instrument-grade spectral purity and covers the frequency ranges of 0.5 GHz to 10 GHz. Additionally, the Phase Matrix QuickSyn Synthesizer features a very fine frequency resolution of 0.001 Hz, maximum leveled power of +15 dBm, and -122 dBc/Hz phase noise at 10 GHz.