noxVIEW Data Fetch and Interface

Nutron Systems PVT LTD

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The noxVIEW Data Fetch and Interface helps you connect shop floor data to IT systems to machine operations without interruption.

The noxVIEW Data Fetch and Interface (DFI) is a software add-on that also operates as a stand-alone application. The DFI helps you independently and simultaneously acquire real-world data from controllers and machine and process systems such as PLCs, computer numeric control (CNC) machines, OPC servers, and more. You can connect the acquired data to any database, including but not limited to noxVIEW Cloud IoT Platform and other IoT frameworks, OPC UA/DA, Microsoft Excel, and more. Additionally, you can use DFI to securely stream data to your application or transfer data between servers through HTTP Rest API, MQTT, Modbus, or Web Socket network protocols.

Part Number(s): 789784-35

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