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NI Texas Emerging Technology Fund Grant

The Emerging Technology Fund (ETF), created by the Texas Legislature, provides Texas with an unparalleled advantage by expediting the development and commercialization of new technologies. The ETF is a $200 million initiative created in 2005, and it was reauthorized in 2007 and again this session with $203.5 million for the 2010-2011 biennium. In support of this effort, National Instruments has created the NI Texas Emerging Technology Grant, which provides software and training services to companies who meet the criteria of the Texas Emerging Technology Fund.

Companies who receive ETF funding in 2010 are automatically pre-qualified for the NI Texas Emerging Technology Grant, and those who received funding in previous years are also encouraged to apply. NI is accepting applications from companies who qualify for an ETF grant but have not yet received funding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to some of the most common questions regarding the NI Grant. How do I apply? How do I find an NI sponsor? What is the application deadline?

Read the FAQ

Download the Application

Click here to download the application and submit it to the ETF grant committee. Applications are evaluated monthly.

Download the application

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